Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jess ;)

Hey all!
This is just a quick post.... Today is my 35th bday... yuck! LOL
And I have a 9 hour shift at work, double yuck!
And due to the time I get home, Jess will be sleeping at her grand ma's, triple yuck!

But on the good side of life, Jess gave me the BeSt BDAY present ever! She past her Senior Bronze test in skating last night... SO HAPPY for her! Poor girl works so hard!!

All her double jumps were clean & high, her spins - marvellous!!! Watch her lay back, breathtaking (to a mom at least! LOL)....

Congrats baby girl! Mom loves her little monkey!!!

So for those of you interested, here is the video... I took it with Jess's camera, so no zoom... but still good quality!!

See ya :)


Andrea Wiebe said...

She did just incredible!!!

~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

She looks great out there! I love her spins! WTG!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! j'ai bientôt 35 ans aussi... ;o)

sollie said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!
Waw, what a talented girl you have.

marcibun said...

Wow! I'm so impressed. You SHOULD be proud :) Happy 35th!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

Happy B day! Michelle! and congarts to your girl!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

So good to finally see her on the ice! That was amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

a belated happy birthday hun - and what a great present - Jess is spectacular in the video - congratulations to her - she has worked so hard (and you have spent so manyhours at the rink LOL) ... does this mean you have a new job hun?

Lori Renn said...

Happy Belated Birthday Oh Young One!!

Pearl said...

Hey grrlfriend so sorry I just saw this ! Hope you had a good one ! How young you are too ! lol

Greta news Jess had for you ! lovely !